5th_6th Grade YES You Can...Commit to Character!

Pregnancy and Fetal Development

Objectives After completing the lesson, students will be able to: 1. identify the signs and symptoms of pregnancy; 2. explain how good practices support a healthy pregnancy;

3. record the sequential steps of fertilization, embryonic growth and fetal development; 4. predict some of the probable challenges faced by adolescent parents and their families.

Overview of Lesson A. Introduction

B. Understanding Pregnancy activity

C. Stages of Fetal Development worksheet

D. Final Thoughts

Materials • Visuals for Understanding Pregnancy activity • Adhesive to attach statements to the board • Copies of the following:

 Stages of Fetal Development worksheet (pgs. 14 & 15)

Advance Preparation • Copy Headings for Understanding Pregnancy • Copy and cut apart bulleted items for Understanding Pregnancy • Copy the worksheet (can be double - sided) for each student.


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