5th_6th Grade YES You Can...Commit to Character!

A Caring Hands Approach

As you begin teaching the YES You Can! curriculum, some topics may be sensitive, and need to be talked about with care. An overview introduction to these lessons should include a teacher being mindful of the following: As a professional, providing a non - judgmental, safe, transparent and supportive environment for everyone is important. If there is reasonable cause to believe that someone has been subjected to abuse or acts of child abuse, it must be reported. Students should feel safe and respected in this class including: the gender and sexual diversity of those who may identify as LGBTQ, emancipated youth, teen parents, those who are in foster care/group home settings and those who may be homeless. One of the topics you will cover is personal space. Some students may have had that personal space violated so be mindful of student reactions during this topic. If you find that this topic triggers a negative reaction in students, either overtly or subtly, connect students with places and people where they can get support and counseling if they need it.


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