5th_6th Grade YES You Can...Commit to Character!
Setting Boundaries Peer pressure and the protective impact of developing clear personal bounda ries will be examined during this lesson. A classroom demonstration illumi nates how peer pressure easily overwhelms a person not prepared to respond in a protective manner. Through an activity using the Five - Dimensional Wheel Poster and work sheets, students will discover that they are five - dimensional people with many aspects to their lives. They will practice analyzing situations and de termining appropriate personal protective responses to risky situations such as: being offered alcohol or drugs, what to do if sent an inappropriate photo of someone, being bullied on social media, being asked for a private pass word, etc. When the personal boundary setting exercise is completed, each student will be offered a “ Commit To Good Character ” card providing them the oppor tunity to reinforce their understanding and determination that they can: • Make good choices and practice good character • Choose good friends and be a good friend • Set boundaries against all high - risk behaviors.
Cost: $36.00 Includes the Five - Dimensional Wheel Poster, 2 cups and objects (to be mailed - s/h is included).
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