5th_6th Grade YES You Can...Commit to Character!
Lets Keep Talking
staying focused on something even when it ’ s difficult
having or showing respect, being polite
in control of one ’ s feelings/behavior
able to face fear or danger
to want to do something
reliable, always dependable
truthful, real or sincere
In today ’ s class, your child learned about 13 important character traits. They learned the importance of good character, and that it is essential to being regarded as a success in life. Whatever a person ’ s job, occupation, or role in life, their true success is if they are considered to be a person of good character. It is also imperative for students to consider good character qualities as they choose friends. Students completed a worksheet that talked about the importance of displaying good character: • at the age they are right now • the near future and • their distant future. They learned that whether they are playing sports, dancing, playing an instrument, etc., good character traits make you better at whatever it is you are doing. They were asked to imagine that if they were to receive an award at the end of 8th grade, for a specific good character trait, which trait they would choose. Then they were asked, to imagine two things they might like to do in the future. The idea of the exercise was to let them know that they should begin to value good character traits in themselves and in others, because possessing those traits makes a difference. In the next lesson, we ’ ll talk more about good character and how it relates to friendships. They will be presented with two important quotes.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson
I ’ ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
Students will learn that as they choose friends, they need to be mindful of a person ’ s character traits. In addition to the ones we talked about in class, we ’ ll be talking about the character traits that make up the tower on the right. They ’ ll be asked if their friends are fun but not truthful, kind or dependable, what would happen to the tower? The concept is that as traits their friends do not possess
are removed from the friendship tower, like bricks from a building, the tower collapses and the friendship is not as stable as it would be if the friend had all the characteristics. At the same time, if they want a friend with good character, they should strive to be a friend with good character themselves. Good character isn ’ t learned in a day. It ’ s perfected over a lifetime. Hopefully you will notice your child displaying good character in new and exciting ways. Encourage them when you see them demonstrating good character. Compliment them and name that trait, letting them know that you ’ re proud of the good character decisions they make.
working hard and steadily to achieve a goal
having good judgment about what is true/right
dealing with/ taking care of something
demonstrating the ability to wait for something
committed to completing a job or assignment
able to be trusted or depended on
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