5th_6th Grade YES You Can...Commit to Character!
C. What is Good Character?
Understanding the importance of good character is essential for young people if they are to be a success in life. It is also imperative for students to consider character qualities as they choose friends.
Use the Good Character Traits and Definitions visuals (pgs. 1 - M to 1 - S ) to review the words and definitions with the class. Put each of the Character Traits and Definitions visuals up on the board/wall in the same order they appear on the worksheet.
After the activity, say: In the same way your good character traits can help you attain goals and have good friends, they can also help build a positive, long lasting, family legacy. Good traits like honesty, respect, being trustworthy and resilient, overcoming adversity, are crucial traits to build when talking about making sure your family remains or becomes successful. Sometimes knowing someone is part of a certain family makes that person more trusted because of their family’s good reputation for having good character.
D. Dreams and Goals
The Dreams and Goals worksheet gives students the opportunity to identify goals in the short term, while encouraging them to be future- oriented and look further down the road. You may inspire your students by letting them dream out loud and telling them that a dream is just a dream until you write it down; then it becomes a plan.
a. Distribute the worksheet Dreams and Goals (pg. 1 - L ).
b. Read through the worksheet, allowing time for students to complete each section. Hold up the sample trophy and refer to it, when you get to the “Immediate Future” section.
c. Allow your students to share what they wrote in section C. Encourage and affirm your students as they share their life goal.
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